My life, My experiences, self development and personal growth

I have been using this site quite extensively to improve my own performance and that of my team and colleagues from different teams. On this site, I will share some of my personal experiences along with those of my colleagues in addition to some very good articles from the Mindtools website.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Building on strengths

Did you know that Babe Ruth, a famous baseball player, wasonce a pitcher? At one point he made the deliberate decisionto stop pitching so he could focus on batting. He took a lotof heat for his decision because he was a GOOD pitcher. Hestuck with his decision though because he knew he had themotivation to be a GREAT batter.

Often the difference between being good and being greatis making adjustments that allow you to spend more of yourtime developing your greatest strengths.
Ever had an annual performance review where the first partwas about the wonderful things you did that year, but thenthe focus quickly shifted to a discussion about shoring upyour weaknesses? It’s an all-too-common scenario. And it’sprobably a waste of time.
The "fix your weaknesses" school believes that with enoughdiscipline, determination and training, anyone can do anything.Unfortunately, it confuses weaknesses and limitations. Weaknessesreflect a lack of skill (how to do something) or knowledge (whatyou know). Weaknesses can be overcome by education, training,experience and practice. On the other hand, limitations reflecta lack of motivation (what you do well naturally). These reallycan’t be overcome, because new motivations can’t be acquired.In fact, if a person has low motivation in a particular area,spelling for example, there is very little likelihood that heor she will ever be a great speller. The best they will be isadequate. Who wants to be adequate?
It’s a much better idea to build on your strengths.
If you want to move up from being good to being great, knowwhat your talents and motivations are, and build on them.Why? Because you will develop what you do best and enjoymost. These are your strengths, and they are yours for life.You can build on them, and they won't let you down. Think aboutit: what would your life be like if you got paid to do what youdo best and truly enjoy? Awesome, isn’t it?


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Backup Your Mobile Phone Data Free

Don't lose your valuable Mobile Phone data in an event you lose your Mobile Device (Cell Phone or PDA).Don't lose your valuable time in copying Contacts/Phonebook, Calendar Entries and To Do Tasks from one Mobile Device (Cell Phones/ PDAs) to the other, let HYBRIDSync take care of that for you.
We will keep your information as long as you want in a safe secured way, on the HYBRIDSync web data store.
